Saturday, February 1, 2014

Take a little time this week...

Another week has come & gone already, I'm not sure exactly what I can show for it. Oh yes, I've been able to go to 3 or 4 girls basketball games & watch my granddaughters along with my young women girls, I sure do love them all & pray for them often. It's a scary old world that they're growing up in, just hope that I can help them in some small way along their path of life. The other night was the most beautiful sliver of a moon just barely above the mountain top up west & I've seen some beautiful sun rises this week. I try & get up early, walk on the treadmill & listen to some inspirational music or talks then have a little breakfast & read my scriptures. It sure seems to start my day off better if I do it in this order. I just finished reading the Book Of Mormon & starting on the D & C, I learned alot again this time around now just hope to remember everything. A very dear friend gave me a book title "Making Sense Of Suffering" I have to say I learned so much from every page & it has helped me understand that pain & suffering is all part of a bigger plan. One of my favorite parts reads: Where is the God of love when suffering occurs? The God of perfect love is a God of perfect wisdom, & he is nearby. But his plan permits suffering in his universe. Without apology, he keeps sending his spirit children into the thick of things. In his long view, suffering makes sense. It can never make sense to us, however, until we see things his way. Oddly enough, our vision sometimes improves when our conditions worsen, creating an occasional windowpane, or window of pain, in the veil. A parayzing probem can bring the stillness that causes us to pause and, for a change, reverently look at the whole scene. God grants mortal suffering because it can do wonders for us. Mortal suffering makes lasting improvements in the eternal self. It turns up the volume on God's voice to us, & it turns up the volume on our pleadings to him. I know this to be true in my own life. Take a little time this week to ponder & pray...cp

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