We went to Fort Worth last Monday on p day we had so much fun learning about the history of Texas including the Swift & Armor meat packing plants that made Ft Worth famous will besides Willie Nelson. They were sitting up all kinds of tents & shade equipment for his big 4th of July picnic. We seen Billy Bobs on the tour we were on. We seen a long horn drive that was fun to watch other people watching the cattle. I had fun walking the cat walks above the stockyards and oh yes, we had a big Texas steak that was so good, some of us helped the beef industry out. We went with 2 other sisters & we enjoyed their company they leave on the 4th of Aug so they're about done (bitter sweet). We meet with a over 65 single group for family home evening tomorrow night it's always a fun night. Hope all is well out your way & that your 4th holiday was relaxing & enjoyable. My thought for the week was one Danny & I read in 2009 hanging on a wall in Evanston, Wy. "Our lives are not determined by what happens to us. But how we react to what happens. Not by what life brings to us, but by the attitude we bring to life. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst--- a spark that creates extraordinary results...POWER OF ATTITUDE. Yesterday our Mission Pres told me to read Ephesians 1:10 & to study each word in it, so that scripture I will pass on to each one of you. Have a great week and oh happy birthday to my granddaughter Savannah Jane sure do love you & miss you but thanks for the letter. Sister Putnam
Tonight my heart, mind & soul are with memories of one year ago at 9:45 when Danny left this earth for somewhere better. I never dreamed I'd be watching the sunset in Texas just one year later. Wow what a ride life gives you. Thanks Putter for all the memories some fun ones & some not so fun but all good. We did it you endured to the end & you endured it well. We had zone conference to met our new mission president today. Opening song was "How Great Thou Are" now that song is near & dear to my heart. Danny loved to hear Cay Cox sing that song with no piano. It brought some tears to my eyes then we had a wonderful day each missionary went up & shook the Pres & Sister Taylor's hand. Then each one stood & told why they loved Pres & Sister Durrant. There were over 100 missionaries & that is just one zone. He told about setting an Elder Larson apart for his mission a few months ago & now Elder Larson is one of the APs that picked them up at the airport. What's the chances of that. After our meeting we went on to the temple & finished filling up our cups. It's been a great week with lots of stuff going on. We've met quite a few new people & some pretty sad stories. We were told by a couple of different eople to not come back so that's rather hard to swallow but another day & another door. We went to a patriotic pops concert yesterday & went to a retirement center for a hot dog, it tasted so good. We took a dear sweet lady from there to the concert with us. She plays trivia with us each week, not a member but so fun & she just lost her husband of 67 yrs in March. The music was great & so was the people waving their flags & singing. I love this great land we live in & yes, I'm proud to be an American. One year later has brought some major changes in my life along with everyone else. I love life & I love my Heavenly Father and I'm so thankful for all my many blessings & I'm so glad that He knows what's best for me. Have a good night I'm sleepy so better get to bed for it leaves. I'll write more tomorrow...Sister Putnam